30 May 2010
25 May 2010
19 May 2010
15 May 2010
07 May 2010
06 May 2010
26 April 2010
25 April 2010
20 April 2010
I get a lot of fonts from http://www.dafont.com/ and like fonts so that's today's website.
Here's today's picture- it has water and a spiderweb and plant matter:
19 April 2010
17 April 2010
15 April 2010
So this was supposed to be almost three hours ago but whatever.
Anyway, Wednesday's for webcomics and today's webcomic is A Softer World.
This is a photo-comic which, as someone who takes a lot of photos, I really like. They're artistically taken and well done and the words go well with them and it just works together really well. Emily Horne is the photographer and Joey Comeau is the author.
Here's a picture of a mushroom!
Anyway, Wednesday's for webcomics and today's webcomic is A Softer World.
This is a photo-comic which, as someone who takes a lot of photos, I really like. They're artistically taken and well done and the words go well with them and it just works together really well. Emily Horne is the photographer and Joey Comeau is the author.
Here's a picture of a mushroom!
13 April 2010
12 April 2010
11 April 2010
I've been thinking about food all day; I ate a lot but am still hungry. So today's website is Half Assed Kitchen.
This is a blog with recipes, and I've made the Cornish pasties several times and they taste good. Sorry for the run-on sentence. Anyway, it's got pretty pictures of tasty food and you can make the food because it lets you know how.
I've been studying all day, so that's all the words you'll get.
This is a blog with recipes, and I've made the Cornish pasties several times and they taste good. Sorry for the run-on sentence. Anyway, it's got pretty pictures of tasty food and you can make the food because it lets you know how.
I've been studying all day, so that's all the words you'll get.
10 April 2010
Saturday! I've been wasting a lot of time on http://thereifixedit.com/ looking at photographs of... resourceful... fixes and suchlike.
Anyway, it's rather amusing and I figured I'd share it with you. Tune in Sunday for a blog recommendation! That's what my Sunday posts are for now.
Hope y'all are having a great weekend.
Anyway, it's rather amusing and I figured I'd share it with you. Tune in Sunday for a blog recommendation! That's what my Sunday posts are for now.
Hope y'all are having a great weekend.
08 April 2010
Thursday's Thursday post!
Post six, by the way.
Today I discovered Wikispecies - at http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page - and I've been wasting my time looking at anything with a silly sounding Latin name since.
So if you ever want to know about Eukaryota Unikonta Amoebozoa Protamoebae Lobosea Euamoebida Amoebidae Chaos illinoisense, then this is the site for you!
Otherwise, you might be a bit amused, but you probably won't find it terribly useful. It's fun though.
Post six, by the way.
Today I discovered Wikispecies - at http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page - and I've been wasting my time looking at anything with a silly sounding Latin name since.
So if you ever want to know about Eukaryota Unikonta Amoebozoa Protamoebae Lobosea Euamoebida Amoebidae Chaos illinoisense, then this is the site for you!
Otherwise, you might be a bit amused, but you probably won't find it terribly useful. It's fun though.
It's Friday!
Augh! Not really. It's Saturday. Forgot to post yesterday so two today.
So this is Saturday's Friday.
And now it's time for a game:
With the tagline "An Adventurer is You!" and all sorts of pop culture references, Kingdom of Loathing is an entertaining adventure game. It's got six classes to choose from, and all sorts of quests to go on, acquiring objects and slaying creatures.
Currently I'm a Seal Clubber.
Anyway, have a great weekend, and tomorrow will be another post!
Augh! Not really. It's Saturday. Forgot to post yesterday so two today.
So this is Saturday's Friday.
And now it's time for a game:
With the tagline "An Adventurer is You!" and all sorts of pop culture references, Kingdom of Loathing is an entertaining adventure game. It's got six classes to choose from, and all sorts of quests to go on, acquiring objects and slaying creatures.
Currently I'm a Seal Clubber.
Anyway, have a great weekend, and tomorrow will be another post!
Okay, so here's Tuesday on Thursday. Thursday on Thursday will come later.
So we've had dark, and we've had funny. Perhaps it's time for a useful site.
Tuesday's site is www.cplusplus.com which has been teaching me far more and far better than my computer science professor. It's the reason I can actually complete some of the assignments without help. Nothing beats, in my opinion, actually talking to a peer and discussing the subject, but I've found it's really convenient to just find the page on this site instead. It's well organized and easy to understand.
Anyway, Thursday's Thursday post will be a few hours from now so check again later today.
Friday's gonna be for games.
EDIT: Every instance of Thursday used to say Friday. It's Thursday though. Whoops.
So we've had dark, and we've had funny. Perhaps it's time for a useful site.
Tuesday's site is www.cplusplus.com which has been teaching me far more and far better than my computer science professor. It's the reason I can actually complete some of the assignments without help. Nothing beats, in my opinion, actually talking to a peer and discussing the subject, but I've found it's really convenient to just find the page on this site instead. It's well organized and easy to understand.
Anyway, Thursday's Thursday post will be a few hours from now so check again later today.
Friday's gonna be for games.
EDIT: Every instance of Thursday used to say Friday. It's Thursday though. Whoops.
07 April 2010
Sorry I didn't post yesterday; I'll post twice tomorrow instead. I'm trying to make this a daily thing. There's a lot in the tubes, so I won't run out of material or anything like that.
It's Wednesday, and I've decided Wednesday is for webcomics. Since last post was depressing, I'm gonna tell you about a happy, funny, silly little webcomic. This one has a mad scientist, a shapeshifter, a wizard, and way more. It's El Goonish Shive, located at http://egscomics.com/
Anyway, I will be back twice tomorrow with two more websites. I'm gonna go eat now.
It's Wednesday, and I've decided Wednesday is for webcomics. Since last post was depressing, I'm gonna tell you about a happy, funny, silly little webcomic. This one has a mad scientist, a shapeshifter, a wizard, and way more. It's El Goonish Shive, located at http://egscomics.com/
Anyway, I will be back twice tomorrow with two more websites. I'm gonna go eat now.
05 April 2010
So. the third post.
I'd like to do something at least slightly useful with this blog.
I think I'm gonna write about the internet.
From now on, one website a day, I'm going to explore the net and report my findings here. Which means I have a great excuse to just keep on doing what I've been doing because now OH MAN I'M WRITING ABOUT IT whoa. So it's research if you find me playing games and reading captioned pictures and suchlike.
I'd like to start off with something meaningful.
I discovered this because most of Facebook is taken up by everyone posting a link to it. The website has a seventeen minute, fourty-seven second video of the U.S. military killing roughly a dozen people and injuring two children. Two of those killed were journalists employed by Reuters. According to the US military, they died in a battle.
"In August 2007, Reuters used the Freedom of Information Act to request a copy of the video evidence taken from the primary helicopter involved in the attack."
It's now April 2010. The video has finally been released. Wikileaks acquired and decrypted this video.
I watched it, and it seems like the people in the helicopters mistook the journalists' cameras for various weapons including RPG's and AK-47's. The helicopter attacked, shooting into a group of people. Instructions are issued to one of the members of the armed forces to move to the location and take photographs after the shooting ends.
One of the more alarming elements of this is the following exchange:
"Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards."
Wait, nice?
No. NO. That is NOT what you say. That is NOT what you say when you kill people. That is NOT an appropriate response to somebody who says that after killing people.
I say a lot of awful things to and about a lot of people, but I would never say what those soldiers said.
At 8:44 there's an injured man crawling on the curb while the soldiers discuss what to do about him. Soon after, a van approaches, attempting to pick up the bodies, and the soldiers request permission to kill the driver and passengers. It's granted.
Shots are fired at the van just after it begins to drive away. The vehicle ceases function and the people who jump out of it and attempt to escape are shot at.
Another alarming element:
After the shooting ends, when ground troops arrive, one of the soldiers drives over a dead body.
Anyway, sorry for the depressing post, but depressing things are often important, and this is one of those.
I'd like to do something at least slightly useful with this blog.
I think I'm gonna write about the internet.
From now on, one website a day, I'm going to explore the net and report my findings here. Which means I have a great excuse to just keep on doing what I've been doing because now OH MAN I'M WRITING ABOUT IT whoa. So it's research if you find me playing games and reading captioned pictures and suchlike.
I'd like to start off with something meaningful.
I discovered this because most of Facebook is taken up by everyone posting a link to it. The website has a seventeen minute, fourty-seven second video of the U.S. military killing roughly a dozen people and injuring two children. Two of those killed were journalists employed by Reuters. According to the US military, they died in a battle.
"In August 2007, Reuters used the Freedom of Information Act to request a copy of the video evidence taken from the primary helicopter involved in the attack."
It's now April 2010. The video has finally been released. Wikileaks acquired and decrypted this video.
I watched it, and it seems like the people in the helicopters mistook the journalists' cameras for various weapons including RPG's and AK-47's. The helicopter attacked, shooting into a group of people. Instructions are issued to one of the members of the armed forces to move to the location and take photographs after the shooting ends.
One of the more alarming elements of this is the following exchange:
"Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards."
Wait, nice?
No. NO. That is NOT what you say. That is NOT what you say when you kill people. That is NOT an appropriate response to somebody who says that after killing people.
I say a lot of awful things to and about a lot of people, but I would never say what those soldiers said.
At 8:44 there's an injured man crawling on the curb while the soldiers discuss what to do about him. Soon after, a van approaches, attempting to pick up the bodies, and the soldiers request permission to kill the driver and passengers. It's granted.
Shots are fired at the van just after it begins to drive away. The vehicle ceases function and the people who jump out of it and attempt to escape are shot at.
Another alarming element:
After the shooting ends, when ground troops arrive, one of the soldiers drives over a dead body.
Anyway, sorry for the depressing post, but depressing things are often important, and this is one of those.
04 April 2010
Second day of bloggery!
In the meantime, hey, these are words and here's a picture.
It's Easter, which historically has been my favorite holiday and I have a lot of homework to do so it's probably not gonna be quite the same as Easters of auld. Anyway, I'm sitting at the edge of the dining hall not doing anything so I figured I'd post.
It's really hot outside.
So, uh, yeah. Content? What content?
You mean if I write it has to be about something?
I guess this needs either a topic or some kind of defining feature. I'll ponder that and come up with something for next time.
03 April 2010
F1rst P0st!!
The phrase "four minutes with a banana" didn't turn up any results when I searched with Google so I decided to make this. Not really sure what this is gonna be; as long as "four minutes with a banana" turns up results I'll be happy.

I guess I need some content or something and a vague expression of commitment towards providing content in the future so here:
That's a crayon drawn in crayon.
I have crayons?
and draw things.
but not too often.
Point is, I might post another drawing done in crayon.
Maybe I'll post something less lame.
Maybe not?
Anyway yeah, I guess I'm done for now.
EDIT: This'll probably go about as well as getting a Twitter did.
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